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Materials Manufacturers
- Vista Resins Epoxy
- MTD Precision Ceramic Components
- Ceramic Substrates & Components Ltd
Adhesives and tapes
- Bondic UV activated adhesive
- LeMark Gaffer tapes
- JB Weld Epoxy and other adhesives
- Loctite
- 3M Adhesives
- 3M Tapes
- Rosco Theatrical paints, filters and coatings
- Colourfill
- Odie's oil finishes
- JC Joel Theatrical Fabrics (manufacture and supply)
- Button-Fix Invisible fixings for cabinets
Electronics Manufacturers
- X-Powers
- 4D systems Smart IoD display modules
- ASAIR Sensors
- Bosch Sensortec
- Semtech makers of LoRA chips
RF and Radio
- Doughty Engineering TV and photography hardware and custom fabrication
- Hammond Manufacturing Transformers, enclosures etc.
- Espressif makers of the ESP32 MCU
- ST Microelectronics
- Raspberry PI
- Arduino
- Heltec ESP32 based controller boards with LoRaWAN
- LilyGo ESP32 board manufacturer LoRA, Meshtastic
- iLabs Challenger
Kits and Assemblies
- The Crafty Robot Cardboard Robot Kits
- Tiny circuits Miniature games machines and TV kits
- Tinker CAD Web based 3D design software
- Inkscape 2D vector design software, often used with LASER and Vinyl cutting projects
- Lightburn
- KiCAD Circuit design and layout software (KiCAD Documentation)
- Express PCB
- Upverter Upverter is a modular, web-based tool that does it all — PCB design, schematics, automated routing, 3D preview
- Autodesk Electronics subscription based design tool - replaces Eagle
- OnShape Online design and modelling, has a free student subscription
- Fritzing
- Electric
CNC/3D printing/LASER
- Marlin - Firmware for 3D printers
- Klipper3D - Firmware for 3D printers
- Mainsail - Graphical UI for Klipper3D
- Carveco CNC Software
- Maslow CNC Large format low cost CNC system using wood, chains and a standard router.
- OctoPrint 3D printer management and monitoring
- CNC Cook Book Speeds and Feeds calculator
- F3DM FDM Filament and machine supplier
- Vectric Makers of VCarve CNC software.
- Laser GRBL
- Circuit Python
- Micropython
- Python Package Index PiPie
- Thonny IDE Python IDE for beginners
- Scratch Simple graphical programming language for STEM
- Code Pen CodePen is a social development environment for front-end designers and developers.
- Code Bender Create, run and share your Arduino code anywhere (Subscription Based)
- GitHub
- Particle
Other Software
- InfluxDB Open Database
- Canonical Kubernetes
- NetBoot
- Ventoy - MultiBoot USB using drag and drop
- HomeBrew Formulae
- ProxMox Virtualisation and clustering
- TrueNAS/FreeNAS Network Attached Storage Server
- Multisim
- Dweet it's like Twitter for social machines.
- Blynk Low-code IoT cloud platform
- Initial State IoT Platform for Data Visualizations
- PubNub Real-time developer platform
- Visual Micro Compile and Upload any Arduino project to any board, using the same Arduino platform and libraries
- Circuit IO
Windows Specific tools
- Rufus reliable ISO creation and deployment tool for Windows
- Notebook++ excellent free text editor tool for Windows
- Microsoft Power Toys collection of MS Windows enhancements
Mac Specific tools
- Bare Bones Software Makers of the excellent BBEdit text editor.
Linx Distros
- Linux Mint
- Ubuntu Desktop and Server
- Suse
- Kali Linux Network Security Linux (Hacking)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Tool Manufacturers
Hand Tools
- Lindstrom Hand Tools (Cutters and pliers)
- Wera Tools
- Wiha Tools
- Knipex Tools
- Bahco Tools
- Leatherman
- Gerber Multitools
- NeoPro Tools Japanese fine hand tools
- Engineer Tools cable strippers and connector crimpers
- Starrett Measuring, marking and hole cutting
- Freud Tools Saw blades, Router bits and cutting accessories.
- Omnifixo More evolved helping hands
- Maun Inductries makers of Pliers, Cutters, Safety Rulers, Hole Punches and many more things - Made in the UK
- Nepros Tools Produced by Kyoto Tool Co., Ltd. (KTS) "The Worlds Finest Tactile Tools"
- Stanley
- Martinex Tools
- Sortimo component and tool storage systems
- Benchdog Tools
- Benchmaster
- ABL Ltd Desk parts
- Online Reality office furniture
- Plastor storage containers and boxes
Stationary and Office
- ISO Tunes Bluetooth Ear defenders
- Trend FaceMasks
- No Cry Safety products - Over glasses
Test Equipment
- Rigol
- Digilent
- Hack RF
- Siglent
- Tektronix
- Hantek
- Keysight
- Rhode & Schwartz
- Megger
- Fluke
- Brymen
- UEI Test Equipment
- Peak
Power Tools and Accessories
- Franklin Industrial Sewing Machines
- Kutzall High speed burrs and grinding tools
- Mirka Abrasives
- Trend Power Tools and Accessories
- Duragrit Abrasives
- Mirka Abrasives
- Ferm
- Dewalt (UK)
- Freud Tools
- Mafell
Software Tools
- Tiny Wow - Format conversion tools for images, PDFs etc.
- Lorem Ipsum Generator creates placeholder text
Free Applications
- Audacity Audio editing tool
- Blender Sophisticated 3D artwork and animation tool
- InkScape 2D artwork tool
- GIMP 2D image manipulation tool
- FreeCad Open source CAD drawing tool
3D printing, LASER and CNC
- Prusa
- Anycubic
- Snapmaker
- Bambu Labs
- OozeNest CNC machines
- Vetric CNC Software
- Maslow CNC chain driven low-end large scale CNC
- Wazer Desktop Waterjet
- Big Tree Tech 3D printer controllers and accessories
- Ruida Technology
3D Design Software
- SketchUP 3D design software - Free plan available
- TinkerTool Simple Web based 3D design software
- Grab CAD
Books and printed matter
- Sequoia Publishing Publishers of the essential PocketRef and DeskRef
- The Art of Electronics THE reference work on analogue and digital electronics
Note on links: These links are provided as-is. They are not endorsements of the organisations listed, we have no affiliation with them and are provided here for education and reference use only. If you find a broken link please let us know. |